Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase II


Plan Funds
Additional NRP Funds
Strategy Name
Phase I
Funds for
Mod #s
1.1.A.1 Implementation of Community and Environment Strategies                 3,5
1.1.B.1 Environmental Assessment   $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $8,952.01   $2,062.41 $12,514.42   5,7,8,9
1.1.C.1 Environmentally Friendly Products   $1,500.00 $1,500.00       $1,500.00   5
1.1.C.2 Stormwater Runoff Reduction Efforts   $1,724.33 $1,724.33       $1,724.33   5,14
1.1.D.1 NEMAA Partnership                 3,12
1.1.E.1 Bottineau Park Programs   $3,000.00 $3,000.00       $3,000.00   5
1.1.E.2 Bottineau Park Capital Improvements                 5,12
1.1.E.3 Pathways and Community Space   $500.00 $500.00       $500.00   5,14
1.1.F.1 River Access                  
1.1.G.1 Neighborhood History   $2,000.00 $2,000.00       $2,000.00   5
1.1.H.1 Litter Reduction Efforts                  
1.1.H.2 Clean-Up Efforts   $4,000.00 $4,000.00       $4,000.00   5
1.1.I.1 Relationship Building       $9,000.00     $9,000.00   8
1.1.J.1 Block Clubs   $3,300.00 $3,300.00       $3,300.00   3
1.1.K.1 Neighborhood Communication   $600.00 $600.00       $600.00 $504.00 5
2.1.A.1 Implementation of Housing Strategies                 1,6
2.1.B.1 Home Improvement Programs   $143,476.00 $143,476.00 $75,059.47   $50,347.54 $268,883.01 $143,476.00 1,2,8,9,10,11,12,13
2.1.B.2 Housing Inspections                  
2.1.C.1 Information for Rental Property Owners                  
2.1.C.2 Correct Code Violations                  
2.1.D.1 New Owner-Occupied Housing**   $8,924.00 $8,924.00       $8,924.00 $8,924.00 6,10,11
3.1.A.1 Implementation of Safety and Traffic Strategies                 5
3.1.B.1 Safety Grants   $1,500.00 $1,500.00     $871.88 $2,371.88   5,12
3.1.C.1 Street Lighting                  
3.1.D.1 Visibility Improvements                  
3.1.E.1 Neighborhood Crime Reporting                  
3.1.F.1 COPSIRF         $6,240.73   $6,240.73    
3.1.G.1 Traffic Study   $1,500.00 $1,500.00       $1,500.00   5,12
3.1.G.2 Implement Traffic Study                 5,12,14
4.1.A.1 Implementation of Commercial Strategies                 5
4.1.B.1 Commercial Improvement Program                  
4.1.C.1 Dialogue with Businesses   $2,200.00 $2,200.00       $2,200.00   5
4.1.D.1 Promote Neighborhood Businesses                  
4.1.E.1 Business Start-Up Assistance   $6,200.00 $6,200.00       $6,200.00   5,13
5.1.A.1a Phase II Plan Development $7,900.00   $7,900.00       $7,900.00 $6,636.00  
5.1.A.1b Implementation Administrative Support   $34,244.67 $34,244.67 $24,939.25     $59,183.92 $28,765.52 4,12,14
5.1.B.1 Master Plan                  
TOTAL$7,900.00 $216,169.00 $224,069.00 $117,950.73 $6,240.73 $53,281.83 $401,542.29 $188,305.52  

Phase II Plan Allocation Available in First Three Years (80%)$224,069.00
Phase II Plan Allocation Percentage for Housing84%
Phase II Affordable Housing Reserve Fund $ 
Phase II Community-Oriented Public Safety Initiatives Reserve Fund $$6,240.73
** On March 22, 2004, the NRP Policy Board adopted a policy that requires each neighborhood to limit its Phase II Neighborhood Action Plan obligations to no more than 80% of their neighborhood allocation during the first three years following approval of its Action Plan.

No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1Full Action Plan08/07/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan, based on Policy Board and City Council approval of the plan, to reallocate $75,000 from Implementation of Housing Strategies (Housing 1.A.1.) to Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.).
2Full Action Plan09/20/06 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $26,000 in Program Income from Housing Revolving Loan Fund (Housing B.1.a-b.) to Phase II strategy, Home Improvement Program (Phase II, Housing 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #8 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
3Full Action Plan03/27/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $7,800 from Implementation of Community and Environment Strategies (Community and Environment 1.A.1.) to the following strategies: (1) $4,500 to NEMAA Partnerships (Community and Environment 1.D.1.); and (2) $3,300 to Increase the Number of Block Clubs (Community and Environment 1.J.1.).
4Full Action Plan10/25/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $24,939.25 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Implementation Adminstrative Support (Administration 1.A.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #9 and Phase II Plan Modification #4.)
5Full Action Plan03/04/09 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $50,400. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $26,600 from Implementation of Community and Environment Strategies (Community and Environment 1.A.1.); (2) $8,600 from Implementation of Safety and Traffic Strategies (Safety and Traffic 1.A.1.); and (3) $15,200 from Implementation of Commercial Strategies (Commercial 1.A.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $1,500 to Environmental Awareness (Community and Environment 1.B.1.); (2) $1,500 to Environmentally-friendly Products (Community and Environment 1.C.1.); (3) $6,000 to Stormwater Runoff Prevention Efforts (Community and Environment 1.C.2.); (4) $3,000 to Bottineau Park Programs (Community and Environment 1.E.1.); (5) $4,000 to Bottineau Park Improvements (Community and Environment 1.E.2.); (6) $4,000 to Patways and Community Space (Community and Environment 1.E.3.); (7) $2,000 to Neighborhood History (Community and Environment 1.G.1.); (8) $4,000 to Neighborhood Clean-up Efforts (Community and Environment 1.H.2.); (9) $600 to Neighborhood Communications (Community and Environment 1.K.1.); (10) $1,500 to Home Security Grants (Safety and Traffic 1.B.1.); (11) $1,500 to Traffic Study (Safety and Traffic 1.G.1.); (12) $5,600 to Implement Traffic Study (Safety and Traffic 1.G.2.); (13) $2,200 to Dialogue with Businesses (Commercial 1.C.1.); and (14) $13,000 to Support for New or Expanding Businesses (Commercial 1.E.1.).
6Full Action Plan06/15/09 The NRP Director approved a modification to the plan, based on Policy Board and City Council approval of the plan, to reallocate $70,600 from Implementation of Housing Strategies (Housing 1.A.1.) to Development of New Owner-Occupied Housing (Housing 1.D.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Development of New Owner-Occupied Housing (Housing 1.D.1.) to include the retention of existing housing as an eligible activity.
7Full Action Plan09/15/15The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $8,000 in Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Environmental Awareness (Community and Environment 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #10 and Phase II Plan Modification #7.)
8Full Action Plan02/29/16The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $56,292.86 in Phase I funds to the following Phase II strategies: (1) $952.01 to Environmental Awareness (Community and Environment 1.B.1.); (2) $9,000 to Relationship Building (Community and Environment 1.I.1.); and (3) $46,340.85 to Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #11 and Phase II Plan Modification #8.)
9Full Action Plan04/14/16The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $2,062.41 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.) to Environmental Awareness (Community and Environment 1.B.1.).
10Full Action Plan02/22/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $40,176 to Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.) from Development of New Owner-Occupied Housing (Housing 1.D.1.).
11Full Action Plan06/22/18The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $21,500 to Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.) from Development of New Owner-Occupied Housing (Housing 1.D.1.).
12Full Action Plan04/05/19The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $2,718.62 of Phase I funds to Phase II strategy, Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #12 and Phase II Plan Modification #12.) The modification also reallocates $9,371.88 from the following strategies: (1) $4,500 from NEMAA Partnerships (Community and Environment 1.D.1.); (2) $4,000 from Bottineau Park Improvements (Community and Environment 1.E.2.); and (3) $871.88 in Program Income from Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $871.88 in Program Income to Home Security Grants (Safety and Traffic 1.B.1.); and (2) $8,500 to Implementation Administrative Support (Administration 1.A.1.). The modification also revises the wording of Traffic Study (Safety and Traffic 1.G.1.) and Implement Traffic Study (Safety and Traffic 1.G.2.) to allow funds to be used for safer streets initiatives.
13Full Action Plan02/19/20The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate $6,800 from Support for New or Expanding Businesses (Commercial 1.E.1.) to Home Improvement Program (Housing 1.B.1.) .
14Full Action Plan04/17/23The NCR Director approved a modification to the plan to reallocate a total of $13,375.67 to Implementation Administrative Support (Administration 1.A.1.) from the following strategies: (1) $4,275.67 from Stormwater Runoff Prevention Efforts (Community and Environment 1.C.2.); (2) $3,500 from Pathways and Community Space (Community and Environment 1.E.3.); and (3) $5,600 from Implement Traffic Study (Safety and Traffic 1.G.2.).

Bottineau Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P2) run on 07/22/2024 at 4:18 AM